Finding child care around school hours

Helping Your Child Transition to a New Day Care Provider

by Erik Simpson

When your child is already attending day care and you need to send them to a new provider, it's natural to feel some anxiety. However, whether it's due to a relocation or because your current provider is closing down, sometimes making the change is unavoidable. Fortunately, there are ways you can help your child feel settled and make the transition with minimal fuss.

Arrange a Settling in Period

If it's logistically possible to do so, arrange a settling-in period that lasts for between two and four weeks. During this settling-in period, you should begin by leaving your child at their new place of care for a brief period. Then, gradually increase the amount of time they spend there so that they can grow accustomed to it. If your new care provider allows you to, try attending the setting with your child for the first couple of days so that they can associate it with someone they feel at ease with.

Remain Confident

As a parent, it's natural for you to mirror your child's worries. And when you see them feeling unsettled, you may accidentally reflect their anxieties back onto them. One way to combat this is to take a confident approach to introduce them to a new daycare environment. Speak enthusiastically about the facilities there and all the new friends they'll make. You should also say goodbye confidently and try not to show any concerns you have about them feeling upset. In doing so, you'll help them see that there's nothing to worry about.

Arrange Playdates

If you're moving to a new area it may help for you to join parent groups and arrange playdates. As you can't be with your child while they're attending a care centre, they may benefit from making new friends in advance. If you're yet to find a care centre, this is also a great way for you to discover one that works for you. By speaking with other parents, you can get recommendations and help your little one make friends at the same time.

Pack Familiar Items

If your child has items that they love to cling to, such as a blanket or teddy, allow them to take them to daycare. Alternatively, you can find a special item of your own and tell your child that you'd like them to look after it while they're at daycare. By doing this you'll reassure them that you'll be returning at the end of the day to collect them.

For more information on day care, contact a professional near you.
