Finding child care around school hours

Are You Planning on Enroling Your Kid to a Child Care Facility? Here Are 4 Ways to Prepare Them

by Erik Simpson

As a parent, it is your responsibility to search for high-quality child care services for your child. A good facility will keep your child safe and healthy. Moreover, it will enable them to develop essential skills like socialising, managing their emotions, communication and being aware of their surroundings. 

But your little one can only accrue these benefits if you prepare them adequately for the new environment. Learn some crucial tips to prepare your kid for child care below. 

1. Talk About It

If your child has the ability of understanding conversations, you can talk to them about child care. If possible, get them picture books about school to give them a visual idea of the facility. Doing this gives them a mental picture of what to expect, and they won't feel uneasy when they join the centre. Besides, they will be open to the idea of visiting the facility.

2. Visit the Centre Together

Visiting the care centre before the enrolment date is an excellent way to transition your child to the new environment. During your visits, take the child around the facilities. That includes the classroom, play area and washrooms. A visit to the facility enables the child to adjust quickly when they go to the child care centre on the first day. 

3. Practice Self-Help Skills

It is essential to teach your child some self-help skills that they will use in the care centre. Some skills that will come in handy are unzipping their coat, putting their belonging together, putting their backpack in place and fastening their shoes. Practising these skills at home ensures that your child will have an easy time adjusting to the child care centre.

4. Listen to Your Kid's Worries

As a parent, you might want your child to move on, but it is also essential to listen to their worries. Your child's concerns about preschool will impact the experience they end up having, whether the concerns are big or small. So, talk them through their fears and ensure that they feel safe about joining a child care centre. 

The connection that you have with your child cannot compare with any other. So, it is normal for them to feel scared about separating from you the whole day. That is why you need to take the time to prepare them for this new chapter in their life. Use the tips discussed above to make the transition to preschool easy and less stressful.
