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Why Learning A Second Language Could Help Your Child At The Start Of Their Schooling

by Erik Simpson

Language is perhaps the first and most important tool that your child learns from you and from their exposure to others in early childhood centres. Language shapes not just how we communicate but also how we think about the world and what lens we see it through. Learning a second language broadens your horizons and helps you get a more well-rounded perspective on everything you come into contact with. Think it is crazy and your child could never learn another language so young? Well, you would be surprised.

Children Learn Languages Faster Than Adults

It might seem shocking, but until about the age of eight or nine, most children can pick up multiple languages exceptionally quickly. There are several theorised reasons behind this, including:

  • Children from connections in their brain much quicker, and this progressively gets slower as you age. This is a key factor in learning something new, including languages.
  • It is much easier to learn something new when you aren't restricted by your knowledge of all the rules of the old. This means that children may not necessarily be as surprised by the rhythm and techniques of a new language as an adult would be.
  • Immersing a child in a new setting where a new language is being spoken is easier than it is for an adult.

Whatever the reasons behind it, studies show that this advantage is certainly there.

How Do I Even Enroll My Child In A Language Course?

The simplest way to get your child enrolled in a language course is to put them in a bilingual early childhood centre. These places specifically cater to families that speak multiple languages and impress this knowledge into the children straight away. There are many different types of bilingual early childhood centres ranging from frequency of the different languages spoken  to the languages themselves. Most parents like to choose a bilingual early childhood centre that is teaching a second language they themselves are familiar in but this is not universally the case. 

We Don't Speak Another Language, Why Should Our Child?

Learning another language is a great skill to have because it has the same foundational elements as other areas of education. At a bilingual early childhood centre, your child would learn theory, practice out loud with their friends and be given helpful tips and problem-solving tools that they will build and develop as they go through school. They get a much more visceral sense of achievement when they can start to converse in another language, which is something that can boost their self-esteem and confidence. That can be huge for young children, and shouldn't be discounted. 

To learn more about teaching your child a second language, contact a bilingual early childhood centre in your area.
