Finding child care around school hours

3 Steps To Choose The Right Program For Your Kindergarten-Ready Child

by Erik Simpson

Your child getting set for kindergarten can be both exciting and emotional. On the one hand, you're looking forward to your baby taking a leap into the world. But on the other, you're probably sad to see the little one grow too quick. Making decisions can be daunting if you haven't thought of this before. Here are some steps to help you choose the right program for your kindergarten-ready child.

Consider What You Want From The Program

There are different kindergartens offering different programs so it's important you consider what you want first to help you narrow down your choices. For example, some kindergartens take a more traditional approach to education, while others follow a more flexible approach. If you prefer a more streamlined education program, then you may want to choose a kindy with a structured curriculum instead of something that follows the child's lead. If you want a program to have a more collaborative structure than one which expects kids to work individually, make sure you look at your options with this consideration.

Find Out About Size Of Classrooms

One of the biggest concerns parents have before sending their child to kindy is the size of the classroom, especially if they have never experienced daycare before. Don't simply choose a kindergarten because heaps of other parents go there. Take the time to learn more about the classroom size because this could make a huge difference in the way teachers interact with kids. In smaller classrooms, teachers can give children more time in the day, and they can even customise the learning schedule so each child is able to catch up. This can be more engaging and interactive for kids instead of a massive classroom with less one-on-one time with teachers.

Identify Whether The Kindergarten Offers Customised Programs

Children tend to cope differently when they're learning. There simply isn't a one-size-fits-all policy. Your child may not find kindy as easy as you hoped. On the other hand, he or she might find it a piece of cake. You may have an inkling of what might happen, but you won't actually know until school starts. A kindergarten that offers customised programs is more flexible and may change the program to suit your child's level. This can make a huge difference in the way your child absorbs information.

As a parent, you always want the best for your child. Take the time to follow these steps in your quest to find the right program for when your child is ready to start kindergarten.

For more information, contact a kindergarten program near you.
