Finding child care around school hours

3 Things to Tell Childcare Providers About Your Autistic Child

by Erik Simpson

Are you nervous about leaving your autistic child at a childcare centre? This article includes helpful information that you should give childcare providers about your autistic child. This information will enable such professionals to handle your child in the best way possible while you are away.

The Warning Signs

Each child is different. It is therefore helpful for you to inform the childcare providers about the specific signs that your child exhibits when they are getting upset or heading into an autistic meltdown. Be as detailed as possible because your child may not display a specific sign each time they become uncomfortable. For example, your child may often pace around when they are upset. That same child may begin humming just before another bout gets out of hand. It is essential for you to explain the different ways through which your child may convey their discomfort. This will help the childcare providers to take the appropriate steps to contain the situation before it gets worse.

Therapy Measures

You should also let the childcare providers know what measures they should take when they observe the signs that your child is getting upset. For example, you may have a weighted vest that your child wears as part of their therapy. Many times, several pieces of equipment are used in varying combinations to calm down the child. Explain those different combinations clearly so that your child can be helped in the best way possible during his or her time at the childcare facility.

The Common Triggers

Autistic children may become agitated when some of their senses, such as the sense of touch, are overstimulated. It is therefore advisable for you to let the childcare providers know which specific senses should not be stimulated excessively to avoid agitating your child. This will help them to take proactive action in keeping the episodes of agitation at bay. Do not worry that revealing such information will limit the learning opportunities for your child. The childcare providers can still offer moderate sensory exploration for such sensitive senses with breaks in the learning activities so that your child can calm down.

You should not keep your child at home exclusively just because they have autism. Help the childcare providers at a daycare center near you to understand your child so that you can form a team that will expose your child to all the learning opportunities that are available to other children.
